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规  划  建  设
\  [新城区建设]


  境内电力供应充足,15座输变电工程在全县贯穿成网,年供电能力达1.8亿千瓦时;总投资1. 5亿元建成了城区热电厂,城区可实现集中供热。总投资300亿元,一期工程投资25.78亿元的鲁北电厂已破土动工。无棣金融机构健全,工行、农行、中行、农发行、信用社、投资公司、证券公司、典当行等银信机构经营实现良性循环,被《中国金融时报》、《大众日报》称为“无棣金融现象”。移动电话已实现全县无缝隙覆盖。县内幼教、小学、初中、高中及职业学校等教育基础设施齐全配套;教育现代化水平和教学质量逐年提高。医疗卫生条件优越,已实现“人人享有初级卫生保健”目标。治安环境良好,是全省治安工作先进县。商贸餐饮及娱乐服务功能齐备,各项基础设施配套完善。

                     Investing Carrier
  (Ⅰ)Parks Construction. High-tech Industrial Park, XingYi Korea Industry Park, LuBei Biology Industry Park have realized " 8 through aned one flat"(water supply, drain away water, electricy, road, communication, heat, wired television, gas), the facilities is complete. 6 economic parks have been invested 37 million yuan. The LuBei Automotive Vehicle Market is finished. There are all kinds of economic parks in all the 11 towns.
  (Ⅱ)Enviornment Construction. The eclectricity power is enough, 15 electrical stations are scattered over the whole county, supplying an annual total power of 0.18 billion KWh. The Termoelectricity Factory in the city zone has been finished, the total investment is 0.15 billion yuan. The first period of LuBei Electricity Factory the total investment of which is 30 billionyuan and the first period of which is 2.578 billion yuan. Industry and Commerce Bank of China, Agriculture Bank of China, Bank of China, Agriculture Developping Bank do a very good job here. The good job of them is called
  "WuDi Financial Sign" by "China Finance Paper" and "DaZhong Dalily". The mobile phone has covered the whole county without gap. The basical facilities for education is complete. The modern educational level and teaching quality is improved annually. The heath condition is very good, the aim that every body can enjoy the primary hygiene has realized.
  Our service purpose is " The persons coming to WuDi is WuDi persons, the persons coming to WuDi can do anything easily", our policy is " this policy, that policy, let the investors stay here is the policy", our enviornment is " this environment, that environment, let the investors earn money is our environment". We sincerely welcome all the friends from China or out China come to WuDi——China Date Town to investigate and cooperate.

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