化 工
纺 织
盐 业
枣 加 工
不 锈 钢

塑 料 网 具
草 苇 制 品
皮 革 工 业
贝 瓷
Property Advantages
Chemistry. Lubei Group and Co. and Shandong Chengkou Salt Chemicals Group as the spigot, there are about 7000 empoyees, 1500 professional persons and fixed assets of 5,280,000,000. The technology of making cement by the assistant product of phosphorus ammonium --phosphorus plaster and vitriol has obtained "grade 2 of the science and technology advancement award in China". The equipment, the specific technology and the products are exported to White Russia, Kazakstan, America, Japan, Australia and so on. The Lubei Group Co. has empoited 3 green zoology property chain that is "cement made from phosphorus ammonium and vitriol jointly" , "many uses of the sea water" , "generate electricity cleanly" , which is called the "China green chemical industry" by the national enviornment prevental bureau.
Textile. The five companies here have the assets of 300 million, $ 10million of profit and 160 million tax returns. The company has and got the ISO 9002 and ISO 14000 attestation.
Salt Industry.Possesses more than ten salt companies headed by Chengkou salt group, Lubei salt field, the Wudi salt field, Chewangcheng salt field. The industry has the capital assets of 540 million Yuan and more than 5000 staffs.The production value is 0.25 billion yuan annually. Wudi county is the exportation base listed by the national salt group. In the future time, the salt industry continues to develop and innovate technology and strive to improve the quality and quantity of products in the aim of redizing more than 4 million ton of the yearly output of salt in 2007. At the same time, we try our best to write the article of “many uses of water” and “salty chemistry”.
Jujube Processing. Headed by Wande winery company, Wudi Jingda company,Furuitong company, the more than twenty jujube-processing companies can process 1200 tons of jujube annually. Wande winery company has developed into a modernization date grocery enterprise, which gathers scientific research and production, can produce more than 50 kinds of date production. It has also got the ISO9002 quality attestation, and has got the "America FDA quality attestation". Wudi county will emphasize on looking for agent internal and overseas, the cold storage and keeping fresh of the winter date. And it will also empolder Chinese date deep process and high affixation value products to drive the date property to grow rapidly.
Stainless Steel. There are 11 enterprises that are engaged in stainless steel process, the total assets is about 58,000,000 yuan, 0.4 billion yuan of sell income can be got every year. Wudi is the famous stainless steel produce and process base and export base.
Plastic and Meshwork. Wudi county is the biggest fishing net producing distributing center in the north of the Changjiang River. Headed by Taihe net producing Co., Ltd of Xiaobotou Town, more than 1500 enterprises and companies can produce 12,000 tons annually, with 1460 man-sized net machines.
Brine shrimp eggs breeding and Processing. There are more than 1,000,000mu of brine shrimp eggs breeding area. More than 40,000 persons work on this industry. Headed by 12 spigot ones, all kinds of breeding and managing companies are more than 1200. The technology of breeding and processing has reached the top level on the earth. More than 2,600tons of high-quality brine shrimp eggs can be produced annually. 0.36 billion of producing value can be got. 40 million us dollars of benefit of export can be got. Wudi county is the biggest Brine shrimp eggs breeding and processing base, products distributing center and exporting base.
Grass and Reed Products.Headed by the Xulv arts and crafts Co., Ltd of Wudi county and Haichuanwuliu Co., Ltd, 14,000 companies of arts and crafts exist here. 80,000 people are taking on the vocation. More than 86,000,000 pieces are produced very year, which are all exported. The income is 0.34 billion yuan. The benefit of export is above 40 million us dollars. Wudi is the biggest reed shade processing and exporting base of China, the exporting is the 85% of the whole China.
Leather Industry. Headed by the Star Leather Co., Ltd, there are 3 leather industry enterprises, with the staff of more than 700 person. 2,000,000 pieces of cowhide and 18,000,000 square meters of dress leather are produced, 40,000,000 USA dollars can be realized every year.
Shellfish Porcelain.Shandong shellfish porcelain Co., Ltd belongs to the high and new technology enterprises, the member of the National Traveling and Restaurant Association, the base enterprise of the Qinghua university for the social practice and the undertaking company of the National Torch Plan Item. The products have been attested that all the capability targets have passed the standard of the GB/T13522-92. The naissance of the shell porcelain has filled up the blank of the top grade daily slender porcelain field.