气 候
枣 业 资 源
海岸线长102公里,浅海渔场150万亩,滩涂98万亩,潮间带48万亩,宜盐面积653万公亩,已开发盐田356万公亩,原盐年产量达220万吨,是全国大型优质盐生产基地和重点出口盐基地。宜渔面积20万亩,近海盛产对虾、梭子蟹、鲈鱼 、梭鱼和各种贝类,被誉为“天下第一鲜”的文蛤资源尤为丰厚。海产品年捕捞量6万余吨。已开发海水养殖水面11万亩,对虾、梭子蟹、各种鱼类及贝类等年养殖产量7.5万吨,产品远销日、韩和香港等国家和地区。
【相关链接】①贝壳堤岛与湿地系统自然保护区:为国家级自然保护区,总面积为 8万多公顷。为保护沿海及海洋生态系统设立,核心区由大口河、高坨子、棘家堡、汪子堡和老沙头五个贝壳堤岛组成,是世界罕见、国内少有和全省仅存的全新世晚期珍贵的海洋自然遗产。
电 力 与 通 信
水 土 与 矿 产
供水,12条干支流河道贯穿全县,有10座节制闸,年拦蓄地表径流和过境客水能力达7500万立方米,有库容千万方以上的大中型地上平原水库6座,年调蓄水能力达1.8亿立方 米,全县有自来水公司两处,日供水能力达2万立方米,全县乡镇实现了村村通自来水。地下卤水资源分布广、储量大、浓度高,发展盐业和盐化工条件优越。已探明原油储量5000万吨、天然气储量2亿立方米的富台大油田,是国家“十五”期间石油增储上产的主阵地,现已实施大规模开采。拥有3条长56公里,总地质储量3.6亿吨且随海水潮汐作用每年增加10万吨以上的世界罕见的贝壳砂矿带。这种矿砂属世界稀有矿产资源,是生产日用高档瓷器、饲料、水泥的理想原料。
拥有耕地84万亩,被国家纳入全国优质棉生产基地县、全国产棉大县和全国商品粮基地县之列。后备土地资源可观,未开发土地100余万亩。拥有天然草场80万亩,作物秸秆年产量2亿吨,牧草丰足,饲料充裕。渤海黑牛、德州驴、渤海马、洼地绵羊等优 良畜种,种质资源优势明显,尤其是有“黑金刚”之美誉的渤海黑牛,因出肉率高、肉质细嫩、含热量高而深受国内外消费者青睐,是国家确定的“全国渤海黑牛之乡”。 建成了山东省最大的波尔山羊繁育基地。种植的“紫花苜蓿”适口性好,营养价值高,具有其他饲草无可比拟的优势。生产的紫 花苜蓿草粉、草块系列产品在首届全国农业博览会上获得最高奖,被国际农业博览会授予“名牌产品奖”。
②波尔山羊:原产南非好望角地区,是目前世界上公认的唯一大型肉用山羊 品种,具有初生重大、生长快、产肉多、肉质鲜美、繁殖率高、适应性强等特点。无棣县于1997年从新西兰引进,羊羔初生均重4.15公斤,成羊体重可达90公斤以上。
旅 游 资 源
劳 动 力 资 源
Advantages of Resources
Meteorology Wudi county belongs to the north temperate zone, east-Asia season-wind region, landmass weather. She has the characteristic of more rain in the summer, long wintertime, more wind and dryness in the spring, gentle and cool in the autumn. The average temperature of the year is 12℃.
Date Resources Wudi has always been known as the center of Chinese gold-silk dates. Planting history can be traced back to Xia & Tang Dynasty. At present, there are 1,150,000mu of date, 41,000,000 date trees including 27,200,000 small date trees and 13,800,000 winter date trees. 45,000,000kg of dried dates and 30,000,000kg of winter dates can be produted every year. Wudi was named as "China Date Town" by the National Forestry Bureau in August of 2001.Wudi gold-silk dates are famous for its high quality in China and overseas. And it gained the golden metal in the China Date Business Fair in 2002. Wudi winter date contains 19 kinds of amino acid which are needed for our health, many kinds of vitamin like C, A, E and Potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper etc, so it is called "alive vitamin pill". It has the efficacy of defending cancer and curing cancer, so it is call"the King of the Fruits","the astonish fruit on the earth".
Resources on the edge of the sea & Breeding on the beach With a coastline of 102 kilometers, the county has 1,500,000 mu of shallow sea fishery area, 980,000 mu of beach and 480,000mu of tide area. So far 3,560,000mu of salt producing base has been developed out of the 6,530,000mu that is good for salt. It can produce 2,200,000 tons of salt annually. Its coastal waters are abundant in prawns, shuttle crabs, perches and shellfish, and especially rich in clams, which are renowned as "Freshest on the Earth". The annual output of all kinds of sea products reaches more than 6,000 tons of fish and shellfish produced. An area for aquaculture of 110,000mu has been cultivated, with 75,000 tons of fish and shellfish produced, which sell well to countries and regions like Japan, South Korea and Hongkong.
Electricity and Communication The mobile phone has covered the whole county without gap. The communication rate in the county has reached 100%. 15 electrical stations are scattered over the whole county, supplying an annual total power of 0.18 billion KWh. It is located to the west of the Industrial and Trade Park of Wudi City,and occupies 200 mu.It includes three7.5t/h of boilers,two 12,000kw of dynamotors,and heat-suppying netting programme.It accomplished by November ,2003.With the investment estimate of 30 billion Yuan,the Lubei Ecological Power Plant is designed to have the installed capacity of 4*600mw and 3000 mw capacity of supplying power.This plant is located in the north of Wudi County,and will be accomplished by 2006.This plant will be connected with the East China Electrified Wire Netting through Binzhou Netting The Wudi Electricity Attemper Center has the area of 8000 square meters and the highness of 16 floors, which has realized the OA and so on.
Water, soil and mine Water supply, 12 main and branch rivers flow to every comer of the county through with 10 sluice gates and the annual impounding and flowing capacity of water reaches 75 million cubic meters. There are 6 big reservoirs whose capacities are 0.18 billon cubic meters. There are two tap water supplying companies, which can supply 20.000 m3 .Tap water has already been introduced to all the far-off-the-way villages. The big oil field---FUTAI oil field, which has petroleum deposite of 50,000,000 tons and mineral gas of 24,000,000 cubic meters, is the main position of petroleum increasing of China. Now it has been mined cosmically. There are three 56-km-long shell placers, with total deposite amount of 0.36 billion tons. And more than 100,000 tons of it is added every year, as the result of tides. This is a rare mineral resource in the world and it is ideal material for such products as quality porcelains and lightweight calcium carbonate. And it is also good additive for production of fodder, cement, rubber and plastics.
Animal Husbandry and Wasteland Development Wudi county has a total cultivated land area of 840,000mu. It has been successfully listed into the "China's Fine Cotton Base Counties", "China's Commodity Grain Base Counties", and "China's Biggest Cotton Production Counties". Another 1,000,000 mu awaits to be cultivated with a bright future. Wudi county has a natural grass pasture of 800,000mu and an annual output of crop straw of 0.2 billion tons. The forage grass is abundant in the county. Bohai black cattle, Dezhou donkey, Bohai horse and Depression sheep have distinct advantages, especially Bohai black cattle is called "black diamond". Bohai black cattle has the characteristics of high quantity of heat, so it is welcomed by consumers internal and external. And Wudi is praised as "the hometown of Bohai black cattle of China". The biggest Burr goats base is built in Wudi county. The purple- flowered alfalfa has special advantages, such as well taste, high nourishment value, rich aminophenol. Products like powder and cubes made from purple-flowered alfalfa won No. 1 on the First Agriculture Exhibition Fair of China. They are also rewarded as "Name Brand" by the International Agriculture Exposition.
Tourism The traveling resources and key point of interests are rich here. The sightseeing of agricultural scenery is beautiful. The historical 8 scenes are still existed, such as Jieshi Hill, Dakou River Holiday Village, HaiFeng Tower, QinTai, Hanlei, GuangWu City, School of Qing Dynasty and so on..
Labor Resource There is rich labor resource here. It pocesses 25.8 thousand persons who take up all kinds of industies, including 110 thousand professional persons, 60% of them has the educational level above high school,25% of them has the educational level above junior college level. The labor from the village has 105 thousand persons, including 28 thousand persons between 18 to 23, 250 thousand persons between 24 to 30, 520 thousand persons between 31 to 45. The price of the labor is very cheap, the average salary is about 500 yuan per month.