做法 |
菜系及功效:精品主食 鸡丝银芽凉面的制作材料: 主料:细油面100克(100g thin oil noodles) 鸡胸肉80克(80g chicken breast) 绿豆芽20克(20g mung bean sprouts) 红辣椒1/2个(1/2 red chili pepper) 盐少许(salt as needed) 醋少许(white vinegar as needed)白味噌2大匙(2T white miso) 冷开水2大匙(2T cold cooked noodles) 糖4大匙(4T sugar) 料酒1/2茶匙(1/2t cooking wine) 教您鸡丝银芽凉面怎么做,如何做鸡丝银芽凉面才好吃 1.沸水中加少许盐,放入鸡胸肉煮熟,取出放凉,用手撕成丝条状备用;调味料混合拌匀成酱汁;辣椒去籽,切丝备用。 2.将豆芽头尾摘除,放入沸水中汆烫一下,取出沥干水分备用。 3.将细油面放入加有少许醋的沸水中汆烫一下,捞出后拌入少许色拉油,并用电风扇快速吹凉。 4.把面放入盘中,放入鸡肉丝、豆芽菜及辣椒丝,然后淋上酱汁,食用前拌匀即可。 1.Add a little salt to boiling water and cook chicken breast in the water until done.Remove and cool,then shred with hands.Combine seasonings well to make sauce.Remove and discard seeds from chili pepper,then shred. 2.Remove both ends from bean sprouts and blanch in boiling water for a minute.Then remove and drain well. 3.Blanch noodles in boiling water with a little vinegar added for a minute.Remove and mix well with a little cooking oil,then cool under a fan. 4.Remove noodles to serving plate and top with shredded chicken,bean sprouts as well as shredded chili pepper.Drizzle sauce over noodles and mix well.Serve.
Tips: 可先用叉子在鸡胸肉上戳几下,再放入沸水中煮,容易煮熟。 The chicken will cook more rapidly in the boiling water if holes are pricked in it with a fork first. |