做法 |
菜系及功效:精品主食 蔬菜凉面的制作材料: 主料:自制菠菜面100克(作法请参考第8页) (100g home-made spinach noodles,see methods on p.8) 豆芽菜10克(10g alfalfa sprouts) 紫圆白菜10克(10g red cabbage) 胡萝卜20克(20g carrot) 醋1大匙(1T vinegar) 白醋1大匙(1T white vinegar) 糖2 1/2大匙(2 1/2T sugar) 冷开水3大匙(3T cold cooked water) 酱油1茶匙(1t soy sauce) 香油1茶匙(1t sesame oil) 蒜泥1/2茶匙(1/2t mashed garlic) 教您蔬菜凉面怎么做,如何做蔬菜凉面才好吃 1.豆芽菜洗净;紫圆白菜及胡萝卜洗净,切丝;把所有处理好的材料浸泡在凉水中备用。 2.将菠菜面放入沸水中煮熟,捞出放入冷开水中冲凉,沥干水分,拌入少许油备用。 3.把所有调味料调匀成酱汁待用。 4.将面盛入盘中,放上沥干的豆芽菜、紫圆白菜丝、胡萝卜丝,最后淋上酱汁,拌匀即可。 1.Rinse alfalfa sprouts well.Rinse cabbage and carrot well,then shred.Soak all the shredded ingredients in ice water for later use. 2.Cook noodles in boiling water until done,remove and rinse with cold cooked water until cold.Drain first and mix well with a little cooking oil. 3.Combine all seasonings well to make sauce. 4.Remove noodles to serving plate,top with drained alfalfa sprouts,shredded cabbage as well as shredded carrot.Drizzle with sauce and mix well.Serve.
Tips: 蔬菜洗净处理后,放入凉水浸泡,口感会更好。 The shredded vegetables will taste better after soaking in ice water. |