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菜系及功效:精品主食 火腿蛋丝凉面的制作材料: 主料:细油面100克(100g thin oil noodles)火腿2片(2 slices ham)鸡蛋1个(1 egg)小黄瓜1/2条(1/2 Chinese cucumber)糖少许(sugar as needed)沙茶酱2大匙(2T Chinese barbecue sauce)冷开水1大匙(1T cold cooked water)淡色薄盐酱油1大匙(超市有售)(1T light soy sauce withless salt)白醋1大匙(1T white vinegar)辣椒末1/4茶匙(1/4t minced chili pepper)蒜末1/4茶匙(1/4t minced garlic)姜末1/4茶匙(1/4t minced ginger)糖1/2茶匙(1/2t sugar)香菜末1/4茶匙(1/4t minced cilantro) 教您火腿蛋丝凉面怎么做,如何做火腿蛋丝凉面才好吃 1.火腿切丝;鸡蛋打散,用少许油煎成蛋皮,放凉后切成丝;小黄瓜洗净,切丝,加少许糖放入冷开水浸3分钟,去除涩味后取出沥干。 2.将面条放入加有少许醋的沸水中汆烫一下,捞出后加少许色拉油拌匀,并用电风扇吹凉。 3.将面条放入盘中,放上火腿丝、蛋皮丝、黄瓜丝,再把调味料混合拌匀后淋上即可。食用时拌匀。 1.Shred ham.Beat egg and fry in frying pan with little oil to form a thin egg crepe.Cool first,then shred.Rinse cucumber well and shred,then soak in cold water with a little sugar added for 3 minutes.Remove and drain well. 2.Blanch noodles in boiling water with a little vinegar added for a minute.Remove and mix well with a little cooking oil,then cool under a fan. 3.Remove noodles to serving plate,top with shredded ham,egg crepe and cucumber.Combine all seasonings well and drizzle over noodles.Mix well and serve.
Tips: 打蛋时可加入少许湿淀粉(水与粉的比例为1∶1),能让蛋皮有韧性,不易破。 Add a little cornstarch solution to egg (the proportion of water and cornstarch should be 1∶1)to make the egg crepe stronger and resist breaking.免费 |